Sunday, March 8, 2009

Reflections on Teaching Speciality

My teaching specialization is in the fields of Mass Communication, Media and Society and in New Information Communication Technology. I study the changing trends in communication between sources and the masses; how the media and society inter-relate and the impact of new information technology on communication flow and exchange. From this studies I lead my students to understand and appreciate these dynamics in communication.

These are broad and challenging areas of communication. This is so since these areas are currently undergoing constant and rapid innovations and developments in telecommunication and technology. Invariably, the nature of mass communication is now facing challenges from technologies that empower individuals to create dedicated networks that cater for their communication needs, information interest and political aspirations. For instance, in the field of mass communication and journalism there is no longer the need to teach students the old fashioned linear, vertical flow of communication. The new forms of mediation and dissemination make information flow so diverse and sometimes messy such that make it is difficult to grasp the source of information.
Interestingly, this constantly shifting area gives the teacher an advantage of constantly upgrade my knowledge. Rapid changes in information technology, developments in Internet and the open nature of the net is exciting. I am constantly stumbling on new ideas, ways of thinking and doing things from the net. Some how it enriches my experiences and broadens my horizon.

For me the future of mass communication and media use by people promises to be interesting. Now and for the first time in the history of global information and communication flow, the individual has personal power to see, hear and watch what he desires. There are alternatives that enable personal choices. Digitalization provides people with numerous media forms to choose from. For the first time the individual can also create, and manipulate what he or she needs to know to keep him or her informed. The challenge therefore is on media lecturers to begin to recognize this changes and enable our students engage this future.


Annukka said...

You raise very interesting points and important questions in your blog. How does the media and society interrelate? Indeed, the changes in the media through digital technology is so rapid that I could imagine you need to adjust your lecture material regularly to keep up with the pace. The students are propably also "thirsty" for accurate, up to date information? Also the point you make about the information flow being sometimes also messy, so that one finds it difficult to grasp the source of information. I agree 100%. How can one easily make sense of the tidalwave of information? I suppose one solution is to choose your channels and stick with them, just like you conclude your blog: one can make personal choises in this digital era. I also, like you, find the new technologies enriching.

Maison Rouquette said...

Mass communication and media use is rapidly changed. People are not only consumers but to an increasing degree producers in acts of communication. Peoples' voices are made audible, everyday life, problems and joys, are made visible on a global stage. Still more people get in their hands tools to take part in the media communication, tools to build opinions and to make change. To be a citizen becomes a role filled with challenge and responsibility - and citizenship maybe fullfilled. The clothes of traditional media will partly changed, the journalist education curriculum will be redefined, to realize good quality journalist work where people actually are: on the internet.

So, I think your analyzis is right, and taking steps for making change is a real good thing.

vagbokey said...

Information without doubt rules the world now and technology has played a vital role in enhancing the need to keep abreast with time. Being one of your students, i must say that i have really enjoyed the way you analized the contribution of technology to the ever changing world. Thanks so much!